Hoos Coming for Dinner?

Mrs. Hatter was gone at Super Summer last week, leaving me all by my lonesome. I was fortunate enough, however, to have several opportunities (when not at work) to spend time with some friends that I don't get hang with nearly enough. So, wherever you are out there, thanks fellas.

Tim Challies has a friend that makes homemade jewelry, and I happened upon her site last week. One of her pieces struck me as one that Chelsea might like. So, I procured this one-of-a-kind necklace for her. Fortunately, she likes it! See?

Isn't she pretty? I'm glad she's home.


A quick addendum to today's thoughts: I love my wife! She's great!

Firefox 3 Download Day

Today is Firefox 3 Download Day, an international effort by the Mozilla Corporation to have as many unique downloads of the brand-spankin'-new final release of the third iteration of the popular open source browser as possible. Prepositions, anyone?

So, chuck Internet Explorer and download Firefox. It's better. For those belonging to AppleNation, the Firefox team has apparently spent much time and effort on Firefox 3 for Mac in order to improve performance and, perhaps more importantly, the look and feel of Firefox for OS X, which hasn't felt like a Mac program in the past. I am, however, still a fan of Camino, the Mac only browser built on the same Gecko engine used by Firefox. It's limited in some respects, though, so we'll see what end up with for my everyday browsing.

You may now return to your regularly-scheduled avoidance of this "blog."


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Saint Louis, Missouri
"I quite agree with you," said the Duchess; "and the moral of that is -- 'Be what you would seem to be' -- or, if you'd like it put more simply -- 'Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise.'"